Purpose through Research and Action that Matter

Having a sense of purpose is a fundamental psychological need and a key factor in long-term emotional well-being. People of all ages find purpose in relation to one another; we find relevance and meaning in positively impacting others. We believe that the best way to set students up for a purposeful, fulfilled adult life is to help them each have an experience—while they are in high school—where they take some action that feels purposeful. Given our location, connection with the University, and, most of all, the drive and ability of our students, these young people are in a unique position to do. Some will find purpose through a large project like the student-designed mural gracing the large exterior wall at bbin娱乐平台 facing the BU Bridge making a statement about representation and social justice. Others will find purpose in a senior thesis research project at the intersection of their passion and a community’s need. Still others will find meaning in smaller actions: forming a club, engaging in service, tutoring a fellow bbin娱乐平台 students, or just being a good listener to a friend.



  • Bolstering our areas of traditional curricular strength – a deep, engaging core curriculum and limitless possibilities at the University – so that students gain the skills and habits of mind to be engaged, productive, positive citizens
  • Finding ways to continue to support students who are looking for ways to connect their passions with a community need, large or small
  • Building opportunities for experiential learning in Boston and beyond where students can explore their interests and potentially make a difference
  • Enhancing scaffolding and support in the senior thesis program so that students can successfully identify and execute projects at the intersection of passion and purpose
  • Offering spaces for student collaboration and innovation


Progress in Action

Mural Project: Working with bbin娱乐平台 teachers and staff, BU’s Arts Council, and the City of Boston, then senior Sitarah Lakhani designed and executed a mural on the side of the bbin娱乐平台 building facing the BU bridge. The mural makes an important statement about inclusion and is seen by 35,000 a day.
bbin娱乐平台 mural